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Author: CASC Office on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 17:31

The Ontario Z-Car Owners Association (OZC) is a network of enthusiasts dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of the Nissan/Datsun Z Car through regularly scheduled meetings, newsletters, tours, swap meets, car shows and many other social events.
Members share information and exchange knowledge coming from years of experience of owning the legendary Z car.

In October of 1993, the first club meeting took place with 12 founding members, soon followed by the first elected executive.  As membership numbers grew, club events were organized and newsletters were published to promote the club.  In 1995, a formal charter was drafted and by 1996, the club became officially affiliated with the Canadian Automobile Sport Clubs - Ontario Region (CASC-OR).  

Ontario Z-Car is open to all and any interested owners of the Nissan/Datsun Z car.  Although the club is primarily focused on the Z car, we also encourage owners of related Nissan/Datsun vehicles such as the GTR, G37, 510, 1200 and 1600/2000 Roadsters to join.  Currently, there are approximately 130 members, making OZC the largest Z car club in Canada.  Two primary chapters, covering the GTA and Southwestern Ontario, meet monthly.  Meetings in the West take place in Cambridge, and the Eastern meetings take place in Toronto.   

Our biggest event is Z-Fest, the annual Show 'n' Shine car show that usually takes place in August.  Ongoing since 1995, Z-Fest normally attracts over 100 cars.  Z-Fest is an opportunity to see various aged Z cars in great condition, resulting from hours and hours of time, effort and $$$$ put in by proud and hard working Z car owners.  
Look for the Ontario Z-Car Owners Association members and Z's, on the track, at car shows, driving in convoys and road tours.  Interested in learning more?  Come and visit our website at

Ontario Z-Car Owners Association